Help Us Prove Comfort

Become an INSITE Product Tester and Influence the Future of Footwear

Our product testers help validate the data we apply to our insoles through our ProvenComfort™ method – and enable us to deliver on our promise to brands to improve their footwear with better-designed insoles.

By becoming an INSITE footwear tester, you’ll be the first to experience what’s on the horizon of the footwear industry while helping us improve our insole designs. You have the opportunity to make a direct impact on people’s foot health and wellness.


Dr. Christine Pollard at Force Lab
Dr. Christine Pollard at Force Lab

Why Become a Tester?

The INSITE ProvenComfort™ method is a series of biomechanics and psychometric tests administered by our research team that allows us to gather and interpret critical data about our insoles. These data include everything from plantar pressure to muscle activation, and our goal is to improve the insole prototypes we create for brands.

As a tester, you’ll be helping us implement the findings from our ProvenComfort tests, and you’ll be providing valuable feedback that will shape our future insole designs and the future of footwear.

Learn more about the ProvenComfort method.


Testing in the field

How Does Testing Work?

Footwear testing can be done on a flexible schedule based on your availability, and testers are rewarded with select gift cards and complimentary insoles.

Test sessions usually take one hour to complete

Testing involves about 10 minutes of footwear-specific activity, such as standing, walking, and jogging

Tests can be administered either on-site at our research facilities or closer to home through our mobile lab

Our Testing Locations

  • Bend, Oregon
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Boston, Massachusetts

Participant Interest Form

Your information is confidential and is not shared or sold to outside parties.

"*" indicates required fields

Date of Birth*
Residential Location
Preferred Shoe Width*
On average, how many minutes of moderate physical activity (i.e. walking, hiking, riding a bike, lawn mowing, etc.) do you do in a day?*
On average, how many minutes of vigorous physical activity (i.e. running, swimming, high-intensity cardio, etc.) do you do in a day?
How many days per week are you either moderately or vigorously active?
Please enter a number from 1 to 24.
What type of footwear testing are you interested in participating in? (Choose all that apply)*
What days of the week are you most available for testing?
What times of the day are you most available for testing?
How did you hear about INSITE footwear testing?